English language challenges - Blog 8

I think that in my experience of learning English, I learned so many things that not necesary have relation to the learning of a Language, because learning English (an any other language) is more than know some vocabulary, grammar and structures, but it is the people, it is learning to comunicate your ideas in other way, and with that, generate different relations with the persons that you talk.

Learning English in the university has been very fun in some ways, I'm better than some years ago in terms of the writing and reading, but it's difficult have courage to speak English, because I can read and write decently I think, but speak in English? I'm embarassed of myself, my pronunciation and when I get block with the idea that I can express, so it's really hard to me. Also I think that the blogs are a useful tool to my writing, because I try to think in English, I try my best in put my ideas in the blogs so I can express what I want to express.

And, like before I said, my speaking of the English language is so poor, I think that I can improve that and the plan for that is, first of all, encourage myself to trying to speak, even If I'm wrong, I think that the motivation to speak English is esential, and also have spaces for that, I think that the classes of English are useful but I think that I can play some games online with voice chat for I can speak in English with other people. Maybe those things will be useful to improve my speaking of the English language.

Finally, outside of the English class I try to wath some videos in English, many times with subtitles in English for a better comprehension because I don't have the ability to understand all when the people speak the fluid language. Also I play videogames and sometimes I have to write in English to comunicate with my team or the people that I play with.


  1. I am also afraid to speak by pronunciation, but once someone told me that we have not spoken English since we were born, so regardless of the pronunciation we should be proud that we know how to speak it.

  2. speaking in English is also very difficult for me! :( I hope we can improve very soon.

  3. Yeah I have difficults to speak in english too :(

  4. I admire that you dared to participate in every class! crack haha
    Also learning English by playing videogames is a very entertaining idea

  5. Yes, without a doubt practice is necessary to learn better English, and i think you make good use of the class space to advance in the language

  6. I think that everyone are afraid to speak in a lenguage different of the mother lenguague. However, I am happy that you are better than before.


  7. speaking in english can be so intimidating sometimes, but little by little we will improve our pronunciaton<3

  8. I tottaly agree with you, speak in english makes me nervous because I can't do it so well :(


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