Time travel to the future - Blog 6

Sometimes I think about what I would do if I have the posibility to travel in the time, ¿I would go to the past or the future? And It's very interesting think about this things. In my case, I'm not sure of what I would do if I can travel in time, I don't like so much the idea of travel to the past and fix some problems that you don't fix in the right moment, but also I'm not interested in the idea of travel to the future because it scares me. 

However, if the case is that I travel in the future, I'm sure that I would like to go to see my own town Paine, because is the place where I live until today at least, and I'm curious of what changes have happened. But now, the thing is ¿5 years forward to the future? ¿More than 5 years or less? I don't know very well, but I think that the travel can be until I have 25 years old, so, that would be 6 years forward to the future. The reason of why is because I also want to know what is happen to me when I'm 25 years old, ¿I would working? ¿I would live in other city? ¿I would have partner? Those are questions of example that I want to know if I travel to the future.

In synthesis,my place and time to be in the future are the town where I live until today, and when I'm 25 years old, because I want to know what is happen to me in that moment of my life. Also I want to know if all of my friends and family are well and healthy. I'm always scare when I think that me and everybody are going to dead some day, so I try my best to live and aprecciate the moments in my life and with the persons that I love.

Some photos where I live:

I only put this for the cover jasdahjd


  1. I agree with your idea of not be interested on the travel to the future, scares me but also I think it's not necessary haha We have to enjoy the present!!

  2. Traveling in time also scares me, it scares me to know what will happen, both, with the good things or the bad things

  3. I agree with you about that "scary thing" of the future. It can be disappointing and sad if we discover things that we don't want to know.

  4. Yes is so scary think of travel to the future, the present is a little bit weird (because covid) so I can't imagine how the future is haha

  5. I think that 25 years is a critical age to the people, so your travel will be exciting!

  6. the same thing happens to me when I think about the home where I live, I am curious about the changes that will happen

  7. I agree that is scary travel to the future, but also It would be interesting see how your city changes

  8. I like the concern of knowing how your environment will be, your family, friends and more! and I think the word future is very ambiguous, maybe we can talk about 1 minute or 100 years, no one really knows.


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