The best holidays ever - Blog 2

 I think the best holyday I had was when I visited Pichilemu with my sister, her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s brother in November 2018. I don't remember how long we stayed in Pichilemu, but I think that we stayed for less than a week, but in my case, I had to return alone to Santiago a day before everyone because I had to play in a concert.

In Pichilemu we did many things. We walked in the beach shore with bare feet and the water felt very cold. We visited the Cahuil lake, a beautiful place to visit, and also Punta de Lobos. We ate delicious dishes and drank some beers.

Why do I think that travelling to Pichilemu was my best holiday? Because I was happy those days, I enjoyed the company of my sister, and I got to know beautiful places. I remember that holiday because I spent time with people I love. I would like to visit Pichilemu again with my sister or some friends, because that place is magic and beautiful, and I have good memories from there



  1. It sounds like a lot of fun, it would be great to escape and go there, these days you need something like that. Family, friends and a good time.

  2. Aww, the pictures are so cute! The place look amazing🌟

  3. Aw, anyone can see clearly that was a great trip with your sister. Pichilemu is a really cool place to make memories :)

  4. You look so happy with your sister! Its evident how good is your relationship with she. I hope someday you can go to another place with she and her or your friends, and make lot of fun.

  5. It looks like a nice place, I will add it to the places I want to know in Chile

  6. I'm glad you enjoyed it so much! the photos are very cute<3


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