Changes to my study programme - Blog 7

All people have a study programme in their lives, maybe in the highschool or in the university. In my case, I'm feel irresponsible in that way of organization, because I usually do the things without a calendar or a schedule, and I'm very lazy to do that kind of tools that helps me in my forms of study. However, in this blog I will talk about what changes can I do in my "study programme".

First of all, the subjects that I have to study are very different, for example in this semester of the career of psychology in the university I studied neurophisiology, social psychology, psychology of development, etc. Some subjects are more demanding than others, but in general I can study whitout problems. I think that I can change the way of study the texts of the subjects, maybe write some notes about the subjects, because I think that it will help me with the comprehension of the texts.

In terms of the workload and lenght of studies, I usually try to avoid the excess of study, because I need to rest too, so, I think that study 1 hour and take a rest after is very comfortable to me. I often try to do things of my studies and evaluations of the subjects every day, it doesn't matter the day, but I worried about my time of rest, because I need enough energy to do my responsabilities. So, I don't think that I have to do a change in this case, because I try to do a balance with my time of rest and my time of study.

Now, we have to consider the faculty facilities, ¿what changes can be useful in the building and infrastructure? First of all, I don't know my faculty of study very well, so I think that I don't have a solid opinion about the infrastructure. I only can say that I need spaces of study, librarys and places where I can read my lectures or I can study with peace. It's funny to think in this, because I don't know what to say, I only want the classes presencially to see my friends and meet my classmates.

And finally, talking about technology, I only need my laptop to do some notes about the subjects and to read my lectures, I think that a kindle can be useful to me, but with my laptop I can read and study very comfortable. I could buy a some things to protect my laptop but I have to consider the cost first. Other thing that is important is the teaching methods, and in that case for me is useful to pay attention in class and maybe write some notes, I think that I can adapt myself to many teaching methods, but I always need some orientation about the subjetcs and the disponibility of the teachers to respond my doubts about the subjects. I think that I can ask more questions in class about reflexion of the subjects, that would be useful for me.


  1. It is incredible that you take breaks, that you know that you need them, I will try to include that in my life

  2. It so sad that we have not been in the university yet. I only want to know how is the faculty ;-;

  3. even though you consider yourself disorganized, you know how to manage your time very well!! I will steal your study method haha

  4. the things you said about what would serve you better to have a better learning, clearly with face-to-face classes it would be much easier, hopefully this pandemic will pass and we can have better learning


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