The psychologist that I want to be - Blog 3

 In this blog I will talk about the person that I want to be in the profession that I currently studying. The psychologist that I want to be in the title... yes, I'm studying the career of psychology in Universidad de Chile, I'm already in my second year of the career, and although I study in an online format, I won't give up because I like the profession and I learned so much in this two years of career. In highschool I had the idea of study agronomy, but I was lying to myself, because I really thinked in what I wanted in that moment, and the idea of study psychology crossed my mind and it's stayed there.

The reason of why I'm interested in the psychology it's because I wondered all my life about why people do what they do, or in cases when a friend ask me for some advice I asked to myself what I can say to encourage people, and also in some problems with people I analysed the situation and I thinked in a solution of the problem. Then, thinking in the people and in their problems, I decided to study psychology. 

And back to the point, ¿What kind of psychologist I want to be? Well, first of all, I have the idea of being a clinical psychologist, I really interested in the other areas like the educational psychology, or community psychology, but I always been thinking in work in the clinical area of the psychology. I would like being a psychologist that  listens the patient carefully, and trying to understand all the visions and problems of the person. I wouldn't like being that kind of psychologist that sends his patient directly to a psychiatrist to being medicated by pills that probably are useless. That's all I can say so far. I will continue studying psychology and I don't know if my idea change with the time, but until now, I want to be a clinical psychologist.



  1. I love how committed you feel that you are with your career, that you are studying this for vocation, that is very important, especially for future patients.

  2. As your classmate and friend it's really touching to see all your motivation day after day, and I'm sure you'll be one of the best psychologist in the future!!

  3. I think you'll be a good clinical psychologist! it is an interesting area and if you want to help people with their problems, this is a good option!

  4. It was a very beautiful post to read, the story of the why? And your motivations regarding being a psychologist are so clear, all this added to your enthusiasm, makes me clear about the wonderful psychologist that you will become tomorrow.


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