
Mostrando las entradas de mayo, 2021

My future job - Blog 5

Currently I studying psychology at college, but if I want to be a professional I should think about what is the job that I would like to have in the future. Well, thinking that I will be a psychologist, I often see myself like a clinical psychologist, so I imagine that my first job will be in a consult in a hospital or clinics. That will be the place that I will attend people and help them,  that's the main reason of why I studying psychology. I know that this idea could be very normal, work in an office indoors, but I don't have problems with that, because I want to help people.  The job that I want is the job where I can help people, I think that I won't have to travel a lot, but I would like to do it, I want to know new places for my experience and to know new people to help them. Talking about the salary, I would like to have a salary enough to my basic necesities for the rent, for food, for clothes and for other stuff, but if I want to have a better salary(for example,

My favorite movie- Blog 4

 Currently I have see many movies and series in this quarantine, but ultimately I don't got so much time to see the movies in Netflix or some anime series. I love watching movies in my free time, but also I enjoy watching movies with my family (like when I saw western movies with my dad or a comedy film with my friends).  Today I want to talk about my favorite movie, I change all day what is my favorite movie so I will try to say a special one. I will put in the table a top 5 of movies that I like: Captain America: The Winter Soldier, The Godfather (the entire trilogy), Scarface,The Wolf of Wall Street and Gladiator. That  five movies came to my mind when I tried to think in my favorite movie. And finally, currently I stay with The Godfather like my favorite movie. The Godfather (1972) was the first movie when I said "This is one of the bests", because the work of the director (Francis Ford Coppola) and the actors of the movie (like Al Pacino or Marlon Brando) is very wel

The psychologist that I want to be - Blog 3

 In this blog I will talk about the person that I want to be in the profession that I currently studying. The psychologist that I want to be in the title... yes, I'm studying the career of psychology in Universidad de Chile, I'm already in my second year of the career, and although I study in an online format, I won't give up because I like the profession and I learned so much in this two years of career. In highschool I had the idea of study agronomy, but I was lying to myself, because I really thinked in what I wanted in that moment, and the idea of study psychology crossed my mind and it's stayed there. The reason of why I'm interested in the psychology it's because I wondered all my life about why people do what they do, or in cases when a friend ask me for some advice I asked to myself what I can say to encourage people, and also in some problems with people I analysed the situation and I thinked in a solution of the problem. Then, thinking in the people an