
Mostrando las entradas de julio, 2021

English language challenges - Blog 8

I think that in my experience of learning English, I learned so many things that not necesary have relation to the learning of a Language, because learning English (an any other language) is more than know some vocabulary, grammar and structures, but it is the people, it is learning to comunicate your ideas in other way, and with that, generate different relations with the persons that you talk. Learning English in the university has been very fun in some ways, I'm better than some years ago in terms of the writing and reading, but it's difficult have courage to speak English, because I can read and write decently I think, but speak in English? I'm embarassed of myself, my pronunciation and when I get block with the idea that I can express, so it's really hard to me. Also I think that the blogs are a useful tool to my writing, because I try to think in English, I try my best in put my ideas in the blogs so I can express what I want to express. And, like before I said, m

Changes to my study programme - Blog 7

All people have a study programme in their lives, maybe in the highschool or in the university. In my case, I'm feel irresponsible in that way of organization, because I usually do the things without a calendar or a schedule, and I'm very lazy to do that kind of tools that helps me in my forms of study. However, in this blog I will talk about what changes can I do in my "study programme". First of all, the subjects that I have to study are very different, for example in this semester of the career of psychology in the university I studied neurophisiology, social psychology, psychology of development, etc. Some subjects are more demanding than others, but in general I can study whitout problems. I think that I can change the way of study the texts of the subjects, maybe write some notes about the subjects, because I think that it will help me with the comprehension of the texts. In terms of the workload and lenght of studies, I usually try to avoid the excess of study,