
Mostrando las entradas de junio, 2021

Time travel to the future - Blog 6

Sometimes I think about what I would do if I have the posibility to travel in the time, ¿I would go to the past or the future? And It's very interesting think about this things. In my case, I'm not sure of what I would do if I can travel in time, I don't like so much the idea of travel to the past and fix some problems that you don't fix in the right moment, but also I'm not interested in the idea of travel to the future because it scares me.  However, if the case is that I travel in the future, I'm sure that I would like to go to see my own town Paine, because is the place where I live until today at least, and I'm curious of what changes have happened. But now, the thing is ¿5 years forward to the future? ¿More than 5 years or less? I don't know very well, but I think that the travel can be until I have 25 years old, so, that would be 6 years forward to the future. The reason of why is because I also want to know what is happen to me when I'm 25 ye